Books: The Scandal of Ulysses: The Life and Afterlife of a 20th Century Masterpiece

Title: The Scandal of Ulysses: The Life and Afterlife of a 20th Century Masterpiece
Publisher: Dublin, The Liffey Press, 2004
Description: 350 pages
ISBN: 190414845X (pbk)
Part One:
- Chapter 1: The Birth of the Hero
- Chapter 2: Ulysses Sets Out
- Chapter 3: The Trials of Ulysses
- Chapter 4: America, Here I Come!
- Chapter 5: Which Version is Copyright?
- Chapter 6: The Coming of the Scholars
- Chapter 7: Ulysses for Everyone?
- Chapter 8: A New, Original Ulysses
- Chapter 9: Floundering On
- Chapter 10: "Is No One Awake at the Wheel?"
- Chapter 11: The Committee that Never Met
- Chapter 12: "What Sort of a Kip is This?"
- Chapter 13: Anthony Burgess Takes Back His Words
- Chapter 14: One Correct Text
- Chapter 15: Shindig Days?
- Bibliography
- Acknowledgements
- Index
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